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Sands of Kahana BOD election


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jan 8, 2012
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San Diego
Resorts Owned
Sands of Kahana, Desert Springs I, DSV2, Shadow Ridge Enclaves Dlx
I am a Tugger and am running for the Board of Directors of the Sands of Kahana Vacation Club. :cheer: I am asking for support from fellow Tuggers who are also owners at the Sands. This is the third time that I have run and each time I have doubled or tripled my votes. If I can double the number of votes from last time, I'll be on the board.

Currently, the majority of the board is made up of employees of the management company, one of their affiliates or otherwise has a conflict. I sincerely believe that the board and its owners would benefit from some new blood on the board. I am also an owner of 3 Marriott weeks, and exchange extensively. This gives me a valuable perspective on how the Sands compares with other properties, its strengths and areas for improvement.

I will strive to preserve the owners' investment in the Sands of Kahana which keeping our maintenance fees reasonable and appropriate for the high quality resort that the owners enjoy.

I am endorsed by the Sands of Kahana Concerned Owners. If you google that, you'll find the SOKCO website and also the Sands of Kahana Concerned Owners Facebook site.

I am asking all voters to assign both of their votes to me, Bruce Rogers.

Brian, Denise, and other moderators - - if my post is in conflict with the guidelines, let me know and I'll either modify it or re-post it in an acceptable manner.

PS, as a fellow Sands owner, what things would you like improved and what things do you not want to see changed?


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Resorts Owned
Kuleana, Sands of Kahana, Marriott Newport Coast Villas, Marriott Grand Chateau, Worldmark, Foxrun
Once again, you have our vote.


Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
Best of luck in the election, we hope you win!


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jan 8, 2012
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San Diego
Resorts Owned
Sands of Kahana, Desert Springs I, DSV2, Shadow Ridge Enclaves Dlx
Today I received this email from the Sands of Kahana Concerned Owners regarding some actions being taken by the SOK Vacation Club which is likely to confuse several owners. I am posting it here to alert owners who may be receiving the 2nd and 3rd proxies (without the candidate choices).

"Dear Sands of Kahana Vacation Club Owner:

"Many of you have recently received either a text message or phone calls to alert you to a large envelope that you will receive in the mail from Kevin Blair (I believe) the Chair of the SOKVC Board. This will be a white envelope with a blue stripe. The envelope contains another proxy this time coming from apparently Kevin Blair SOKVC Board of Directors Chair. DO NOT fill out and return this proxy. If you do it will negate the previous proxy and ballot that you received with the notice of the annual meeting of the SOKVC.

"The proper place for this large envelope is in your recycling bin or just simply dispose of it as you see fit. In my opinion this is a sneaky underhanded way to confuse owners and thus get the owner to fill out the proxy which will give Kevin Blair the right to cast your votes as he sees fit to do. Kevin last year employed this same trick and some owners got 2 (two) and 3 (three) of these large envelopes. I wonder who pays for all the phone calls and the preparation, printing and mailing of this underhanded ploy. The SOKVC should be paying for only one proxy, ballot and the notice of the SOKVC annual meeting. Why does Kevin have access to the names and addresses of all the SOKVC owners when the Board refuses to allow our candidate Bruce Rogers to have access to the SOKVC owners names and addresses. Is this a fair election, I think not. So once again just put that large blue and white envelope in the circular file or whatever, but DO NOT fill out the proxy and send it in.

"Please be sure and vote the initial ballot that you received with Bruce Rogers name on the ballot. Please vote ALL your votes for Bruce. There always seems to be some confusion on the number of votes that an owner has. If you own one week every year you have two votes, if you own one week every other year you have one vote, if you own two weeks every year you have four votes, if you own two weeks every other year you have two votes and so on. It is extremely important that all of us vote in this election and cast ALL our votes for Bruce Rogers. Thank you very much.


“The statements and opinions expressed herein are not endorsed, sponsored by or affiliated with (1) The Association of Apartment Owners of the Sands of Kahana or its officers or directors or (2) The Sands of Kahana Vacation Club or its officers or directors”.


TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Mar 9, 2014
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Novi, Michigan
Resorts Owned
QH, HBC, VBHC, & Pinestead Reef
I am a Tugger and am running for the Board of Directors of the Sands of Kahana Vacation Club. :cheer: I am asking for support from fellow Tuggers who are also owners at the Sands. This is the third time that I have run and each time I have doubled or tripled my votes. If I can double the number of votes from last time, I'll be on the board.

Currently, the majority of the board is made up of employees of the management company, one of their affiliates or otherwise has a conflict. I sincerely believe that the board and its owners would benefit from some new blood on the board. I am also an owner of 3 Marriott weeks, and exchange extensively. This gives me a valuable perspective on how the Sands compares with other properties, its strengths and areas for improvement.

I will strive to preserve the owners' investment in the Sands of Kahana which keeping our maintenance fees reasonable and appropriate for the high quality resort that the owners enjoy.

I am endorsed by the Sands of Kahana Concerned Owners. If you google that, you'll find the SOKCO website and also the Sands of Kahana Concerned Owners Facebook site.

I am asking all voters to assign both of their votes to me, Bruce Rogers.

Brian, Denise, and other moderators - - if my post is in conflict with the guidelines, let me know and I'll either modify it or re-post it in an acceptable manner.

PS, as a fellow Sands owner, what things would you like improved and what things do you not want to see changed?

I'm not a Sands Owner but stayed in a 3 bedroom this summer and we really loved this resort, my kids actually preferred this resort to WKORVN. I hope you win the election and continue to keep this awesome resort running for many years to come.


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
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Sep 11, 2006
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SDO, Quarter House, Seapointe, Coronado Beach, Carlsbad Inn, Worldmark
Not an SOK owner either, but I have a friend who is. I just sent her a link to this thread. Best of luck to you Bruce!


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jan 8, 2012
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San Diego
Resorts Owned
Sands of Kahana, Desert Springs I, DSV2, Shadow Ridge Enclaves Dlx
I have made myself available to other SOK owners via FB. Some of the owners have not received the official ballot (with the three candidate choices) but have received a replacement proxy. The distinction is the replacement proxy assigns the owner's votes all to the vacation club management to vote as they see fit. The official ballot arrives in a small self-sealed group of papers (like something that is junk mail) and the replacement arrives in a conspicuous 8x10 envelope. But the replacement doesn't let the owner "vote" for their candidate. The original ballot has a business reply sheet that needs to be folded and sealed. But in order to be compliant with the USPS rules it needs to be sealed on the three open sides. That is so that it doesn't get jambed in the USPS equipment. But there are no advisory to seal the loose ends. But the replacement proxy comes with a self-addressed postage free envelope.

If this sort of thing happened during our last Presidential election for absentee ballots, I think - - in my own opinion - - that there would be an uproar. It would be on all of the news reports. In the words of others: (IMHO) the voting is somewhat rigged.

If there are any Sands of Kahana owners who filled out the assign-to-Solay (or So Leil) proxy but did not receive the original ballot, I ask them to PM me to get the original ballot with the three candidate choices. If you fell prey and filled out a second proxy, it negates your original vote.


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Resorts Owned
Kuleana, Sands of Kahana, Marriott Newport Coast Villas, Marriott Grand Chateau, Worldmark, Foxrun
I have made myself available to other SOK owners via FB. Some of the owners have not received the official ballot (with the three candidate choices) but have received a replacement proxy. The distinction is the replacement proxy assigns the owner's votes all to the vacation club management to vote as they see fit. The official ballot arrives in a small self-sealed group of papers (like something that is junk mail) and the replacement arrives in a conspicuous 8x10 envelope. But the replacement doesn't let the owner "vote" for their candidate. The original ballot has a business reply sheet that needs to be folded and sealed. But in order to be compliant with the USPS rules it needs to be sealed on the three open sides. That is so that it doesn't get jambed in the USPS equipment. But there are no advisory to seal the loose ends. But the replacement proxy comes with a self-addressed postage free envelope.

If this sort of thing happened during our last Presidential election for absentee ballots, I think - - in my own opinion - - that there would be an uproar. It would be on all of the news reports. In the words of others: (IMHO) the voting is somewhat rigged.

If there are any Sands of Kahana owners who filled out the assign-to-Solay (or So Leil) proxy but did not receive the original ballot, I ask them to PM me to get the original ballot with the three candidate choices. If you fell prey and filled out a second proxy, it negates your original vote.

We only returned the first one. I remember them doing this type of mailing in the past. We only return the original with your name on it. They should NOT be allowed to do this. I'm sure many owners don't bother to look for the first one and just send back the most recently received ballot.


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jan 8, 2012
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San Diego
Resorts Owned
Sands of Kahana, Desert Springs I, DSV2, Shadow Ridge Enclaves Dlx
Born2Travel, I think that you are absolutely right that they should not be allowed to do this. They are trying to get the owner to sign over their voting rights. Interestingly, those owners who are associated with the SOKCO (sands of Kahana Concerned Owners) are NOT sent the extra mailings. But the rest of the "rank and file" are often sent one or more replacement proxies. Also, some owners have indicated that they have been called on the phone. Some of the owners have contacted me indicating that they never received the real ballot but only received the proxy assignment document. The most recent occurrence was yesterday.