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Mariott Reef and Frenchmans Cove


TUG Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Frenchman’s Cove
Just got this from our sales person at FC. Sounds like good news as apparently there will still be access to hotel pools...........

It has been awhile since I have reached out, but that is because I really haven’t had a ton of good information to pass along to you all.

That is about to change however, below is the link announcing that next door, the Marriott Frenchman’s Reef Hotel will officially be a Marriott. We have known this for quite some time but now it is official. The other great part, is the Morningstar Beach section of the hotel is to become a high end Autograph Collection. They are spending 360 million for the hotel renovation so the plans I have seen look spectacular. The Reef is making a coordinated effort to really cater to our Cove guests. Before Irma, the hotel pool had 110 chairs. They are expanding that to 300 pool chairs and spending money to create a beautiful trail that will connect the Reef to the Cove as opposed to having to walk through the harbor wing of the hotel as we did in the past. (link below)


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
What are the units at Frenchman's cove selling for now? Does anyone know what the Platinum Plus week 7, 51, 52 weeks sell for? They do not get a great maintenance fee per DC point ratio, unfortunately. Is the Frenchman's Cove not as nice as the Aruba Surf Club? The Frenchman's Cove weeks cost about 1000 DC points less per ocean view week than the Aruba Surf Club weeks. I would think St. Thomas would be a better place to go from the US because you don't have to deal with customs when flying.


TUG Member
Feb 15, 2018
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Marriott Aruba Surf Club
Marriott Frenchman’s Cove
I don’t know what the Plat Plus holiday weeks go for, but the gold weeks go for almost nothing these days at FC. Having been to both Aruba and STT (and now owning resale at both), I’d say the preference for Aruba is probably the casinos, all the restaurants, many within walking distance, and better pricing. Although still expensive in Aruba, it’s not nearly as pricey as St. Thomas. The cabs in St. Thomas charge per person so renting a car is a must. I personally think the beaches in St. Thomas are much more beautiful, scenic, serene and the water more clear. This is all just my personal al opinion. Having the hotels open next to the Cove will definitely be a huge plus for restaurant options and pool options. Frenchman’s Cove’s pool is pretty small where Aruba Surf has the lazy river.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


TUG Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Stony Brook, New York
What are the units at Frenchman's cove selling for now? Does anyone know what the Platinum Plus week 7, 51, 52 weeks sell for? They do not get a great maintenance fee per DC point ratio, unfortunately. Is the Frenchman's Cove not as nice as the Aruba Surf Club? The Frenchman's Cove weeks cost about 1000 DC points less per ocean view week than the Aruba Surf Club weeks. I would think St. Thomas would be a better place to go from the US because you don't have to deal with customs when flying.

The prices at MFC have been depressed since the hurricanes. Redweek had a plat just sold asking $4995, there is another listed for $5300. When the hotels open up I expect to see a 10-20% increase in plat weeks initially and then we'll see where it goes from there. I see the same folks every February when we visit so I don't think there's a lot of resale movement on the plat weeks. As far as the week 7, 51 and 52 there are two on Redweek for 12k-15k. I think that's a bit optimistic in the current market. As an owner of week 7 in St Thomas I can tell you that it will never be sold until the last grandchild gets out of High School. By then there should be a whole pack of great grand kids itching to go so who knows

As far as Aruba vs St Thomas that's pretty subjective. I don't care for Aruba but there a lot of folks that feel opposite and a lot more who like both.


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Los Angeles, CA
Wow! I actually purchased an every year for $1500, with me paying the fees. That EOY one was a great deal! I had been working with redweek on possibly purchasing one of the $5000 platinum weeks, and then the eBay ad came up. I'm still happy with my purchase. But $420 with free closing is fantastic. What I like about Frenchman's Cove is that there is no ROFR. So they can be purchased cheaply without worrying about Marriott taking them back!


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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I saw a reference in one of the recent articles about the remodeling at the hotel and it mentions a new casino going in. i think that would be a fun activity to have available so hoping that is true.


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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What they call a casino in the VI is not a Vegas casino. They are just slots and other machines. Maybe they will get a real casino but don't get your hopes up.
Hey that still sounds like it could be fun.