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Same ole song and dance question I think?

Sep 17, 2017
Reaction score
Resorts Owned
Club Wyndham
Good after folks,
If I would have known about this site 30 hours ago I would have most likely been more informed. Yesterday the wife and I were "body snatched" and swooped into a Wyndham (CWA) sales pitch. We ended up purchasing and annual 84000 point membership equipped with RCI, club Wyndham plus, plus partners, perks by club Wyndham, and club pass for $14500. Monthly fee (MF) $51. We put a down payment of $1500 with a personal credit card.

After reading a few threads I'm confident the I will get the same overwhelming response in advising me to Resind right now!!! My big question is when I buy points from "eBay" let's say 316000 for $700 plus monthly MF, doesthis stillwork the same way as my current contract? The wife and I want to travel to different locations maybe twice a year (2 wks total). We liked the RCI membership because supposedly we could stay at different resorts for a week for 77000 points in off season. I'm about to retire from military after 20 years and we have two young babies so money and memories are both high on priority list. We love the idea of not being tied to the same location. if we want to take babies to Disney World one week and then go to Cabo 6 months later if seems the CWA was the right membership for us. We also liked the option to pass this along to our kids when that time comes.

Ok now tell me how far off I am from real life and what needs to happen to get there?


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Twin Falls, Eye-Duh-Hoe
Found it. Well, I think you're looking at a rosier side of things than really exist. it would take a LOT of points to do Disney then turn around and go to Cabo. Not that it can't be done, but not on 84,000 Wyndham points. That 316 K might be more like it. And remember that the more points you have, the higher the monthly nut is. All you are missing is the initial developer cost.

I think that after you get your money back from your rescission, you plan on sticking around TUG and doing a LOT of reading. Educate yourself. Some of those 'deals' on eBay are not really good. There are some jewels there, but you need to be able to tell the difference.

There are MANY TS companies. some are definitely better than others for your situation. We suggest you rent a few times to familiarize yourself. Also to be able to parry off those body snatchers.

Be patient. Some of the best buys happen after the annual MF bills come out and people want to give away what cost them 10's of thousands of dollars. You won't be missing any vacations if you don't buy right away. it takes weeks to some months to transfer the titles into your name, and bee able to book something. So familiarize yourself with the last minute rentals forum, an the Marketplace up in that blue stripe at the top of this page.

Happy reading.



TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Twin Falls, Eye-Duh-Hoe
Found it. Well, I think you're looking at a rosier side of things than really exist. it would take a LOT of points to do Disney then turn around and go to Cabo. Not that it can't be done, but not on 84,000 Wyndham points. That 316 K might be more like it. And remember that the more points you have, the higher the monthly nut is. All you are missing is the initial developer cost.

I think that after you get your money back from your rescission, you plan on sticking around TUG and doing a LOT of reading. Educate yourself. Some of those 'deals' on eBay are not really good. There are some jewels there, but you need to be able to tell the difference.

There are MANY TS companies. some are definitely better than others for your situation. We suggest you rent a few times to familiarize yourself. Also to be able to parry off those body snatchers.

Be patient. Some of the best buys happen after the annual MF bills come out and people want to give away what cost them 10's of thousands of dollars. You won't be missing any vacations if you don't buy right away. it takes weeks to some months to transfer the titles into your name, and bee able to book something. So familiarize yourself with the last minute rentals forum, an the Marketplace up in that blue stripe at the top of this page.

Happy reading.

Sep 17, 2017
Reaction score
Resorts Owned
Club Wyndham
Found it. Well, I think you're looking at a rosier side of things than really exist. it would take a LOT of points to do Disney then turn around and go to Cabo. Not that it can't be done, but not on 84,000 Wyndham points. That 316 K might be more like it. And remember that the more points you have, the higher the monthly nut is. All you are missing is the initial developer cost.

I think that after you get your money back from your rescission, you plan on sticking around TUG and doing a LOT of reading. Educate yourself. Some of those 'deals' on eBay are not really good. There are some jewels there, but you need to be able to tell the difference.

There are MANY TS companies. some are definitely better than others for your situation. We suggest you rent a few times to familiarize yourself. Also to be able to parry off those body snatchers.

Be patient. Some of the best buys happen after the annual MF bills come out and people want to give away what cost them 10's of thousands of dollars. You won't be missing any vacations if you don't buy right away. it takes weeks to some months to transfer the titles into your name, and bee able to book something. So familiarize yourself with the last minute rentals forum, an the Marketplace up in that blue stripe at the top of this page.

Happy reading.

Jim thank you for the insight on this topic. What is this developer costyour talking about? Yes we understand that 84k wasn't gonna give us much but we were getting the extra 116k points and we have our foot in the door. Either way it's completely not a great deal... I'd spend the same $1500 and own the annual let's say 315000 points and lay my mf of $250 and that would be way way better than what I have now right?


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Twin Falls, Eye-Duh-Hoe
I'm not a Wyndham owner, but there are many, many here who understand the system upside down and inside out. But the magic of resale is that the buy-in cost is just pennies on the dollar. Say Wyndham wants $12,000 or a lot more for that 84K (not enough for a prime week in a 1 bedroom) plus say, $100/mo in MF. If you score say, 154K (a useable common size bundle) on eBay, for perhaps $500 all in then maybe $150/mo because you're not paying off a note.