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RCI Class Action


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Table Rock Lake, Branson, Missouri
Maybe that's someone else's point, but not mine.

Mine is that if someone has disagreed with you all 99 times you have said the same thing before, that if you say the same thing one more time, they will likely still not agree with you. :D

I have learned that the problem often lies in presentation, that sometimes less is better than more, and in most cases, when more has not worked, even more will work even less.

Like, after so many emails to the sheriff, the sheriff doesn't care to open them any more. So it doesn't matter what the bad guy is doing. :D

I don't know what the answer is, and I truly am trying to be helpful, but there is a need to change the tactic that has been employed here for way too long. Continuing to bludgeon the same people with the same message is not going to right the wrongs at RCI.

Put your thinking caps on and come up with something new, something that might capture our attention and hearts.

While you're doing that, I'll run to Wal*Mart. :D

Dang right it goes on and on and on and on.

I mean, what are we saying here?

That since we've already discussed this for years, it's time to accept getting the spacebank raided and move on?

In other words, it's OK to rip me off because I'm bored with discussing it?


The reason the discussion goes on and on and on is because the injustice keeps going on and on and on.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Your son would not know the content of an RCI screen, so whatever he put up would almost certainly be recognized by an RCI employee as being a phony. This screen shot had all of the right content. That is a major difference.

Frankly, my money is on the inside knowledge of people like Bootleg and Anon over your wishful thinking theories, Perry, but the discovery in the lawsuit will tell the tale.

And, again, the key is not RCI violating its own rules, which has no significance one way or the other in the courts, but whether they have violated the ''unfair or deceptive'' standard of consumer protection law.

Perry, you did not ''respond'' as to the merits of the lawsuit, you started the debate.

How is any system based on supply and demand NOT going to decline when those running it start diverting supply to other places - like rentals to the general public and crossover trades to Points members???? When demand stays the same and supply is compromised, there are not going to be the same trades availible to members. That is simple freshman economics and shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out or the production of ''proof''.
That decline, then, is contrived and NOT a natural process.

Your argument is a bit like a detective coming upon a badly beaten body and saying ''aha! suicide! he beat himself to death with a blunt instrument!''

I find it humorous that in your point #1 you contend that there is nothing wrong at RCI Weeks but immediately turn around in point #2 and try to explain away WHY there is something wrong at RCI Weeks.

I again state the I love using my RCI Points to get airline tickets, many are below the cost I see at the same moment at the airline. I have no idea what RCI points really does after that but renting of timeshare reservations seems to be what they are doing. (I’ll poke fun at the idea that RCI is violating its own rules and stealing from one hand to put in the other)

Beyond that, I and everyone here are just guessing. There is no proof of any kind. My 20 year old son can gin up any screen you want with PhotoShop. If you want I could ask him to make me the president of RCI- I could have a great document suitable for framing – this is not evidence.

I have no idea what the agenda is of the folks who are foisting legal action as the solution – I can make an educated guess; but I have no proof. I respond here to neutralize the “Say it until they believe it” idiom, since it seems clear that is what’s going on.

I state my position once again:

1) There is NO proof that ANYTHING is wrong with RCI Weeks

2) RCI Weeks has peaked and is declining in value all by itself

3) There is NO proof that RCI Points is violating RCI rules in any way

The simplest explanation is normally the correct explanation; time to do a little reading about Occam’s Razor there are no secret plots to doom the RCI Week owners – just a system that has always been held together with secret formulas and procedures that is being replaced by it’s creator, RCI, with a new system that is open and above board - RCI Points.

This is the simplest explanation, most likely the correct explanation of what's going on with RCI Weeks.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
I don't see any "remedy" the court or any of the lawyers could come up with that would improve the situation.

The exchange system has evolved over time, to meet demands of the market. The point of the exchange system is to allow people to exchange the weeks they own for something different. It seems to me, as long as you get something reasonable in exchange, you have no right to complain about what RCI does with your week.

I know that some feel that RCI is not giving them fair exchanges, but I suspect a large part of that is due to the sales tactic that were used to sell tham a week, and not RCI's fault. If anything, RCI can argue that they have attempted to balance the playing field by introducting the points system. The points system introduced a certain level of transparency.

As long as RCI can show that something was placed into the spacebank of similar value for everything they have taken out, I don't see them losing. In fact, they could say they are doing things in multiple steps:

You want to exchange your week for a cruise. Maybe your week has not been given out yet, and they can place it directly into the rental pool. If not, they place an exchange for you, and then place THAT week into the rental pool. As long as the week they rent is one you could have gotten as an exchange, what is the problem (I know, you are not allowed to rent it out, but that is a different problem).

Now, say you have a points account. You want to use points for deposit, and if your week has not been given out yet, they could deposit your unit into the points system. If not, something must be given to points to cover the value of your week. Maybe they give points an IOU. Then when a points member wants something from the weeks pool, they redeem that IOU.

Granted, there are those that feel the points system should exist on its own, and eventually it will. RCI may have wanted to convert everything to points, but the resorts did not go along, and many owners don't want a pure points system. It has its advantages and its disadvantages, even without being affiliated with the Weeks system. Without the exhorbitant conversion fees, I would expect most owners to covert to points - other than the diehard exchanger, I suspect most do not plan their vacations 2 years out, and would welcome good availability at 11 months. Most families cannot plan anything but summer vacations further out because school calendars are not available. Many cannot schedule their vacations through work that far ahead either. The one mistake I thing RCI made was in not assigning all resorts individual point values from the start - then we would avoid some of the "raiding" accusations.

The truth is that RCI had followed the rules, and none of us are required to be RCI members to use our timeshares. The value of RCI membership may have diminished, but we are all capable of using our timeshares without RCI. For those that consider RCI the most important feature of their timeshare, maybe they should have bought elsewhere, or avoided timeshares altogether. I suspect the court will agree. RCI is not failing to meet promises THEY made, they are failing to meet promises made by salesmen at affiliated resorts, and they are not bound by those promises (it even says as much in your sales contract).


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Open and above board is the definition of a Point system over a secret Week system.

. . . but it is NOT the definition of RCI Points, whose corrupt numbers racket stinks, from the pandering to developers in sales to overpointing overbuilt areas to hosing sold out resorts (a term with a cynical double meaning in the rotten world or RCI Points) to overaveraging groupings of weeks, seriously shortchanging some while significantly overpointing others. A system based on rigged and frozen numbers like RCI Points? No thanks! I take one that is flexible enough to adjust values for ever changing supply and demand factors, you know a market based system like RCI Weeks.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Blaming the developer misses one very critical point. RCI provided sales films and other sales materials to the developers that made a lot of that exchange presentation to buyers. Many buyers who bought for exchange relied at least as much on those RCI materials as they did anything the salesman said. Sorry, but ''blame the developer'' is not going to wash as a defense for RCI.

''Evolved to meet the demands of the market''? Wrong! It was hijacked to put more money in Cendant's pocket at the expense of exchangers.

The rigged numbers of RCI Points hardly ''balance the playing field''. They systematically guarantee trades up for the overpointed such as those in overbuilt areas, where points numbers stand principles of supply and demand on their head.

BTW, Points reservations, outside a handful of exceptions come at 10 months out, not 11, thus missed a critical deadline for air miles, making it an extremely lousy system for anyone who largely goes to ''fly to'' destinations.

''Cruise exchanges'' are a good example of the flim-flam. I'm glad you brought it up. RCI charges more in the cash fees for most of those cruises, even without the week deposit, than the total cash price of the cruise discounters.
They have already made more profit from the cash they receive than other outlets even if they throw away the week. Too bad the lawsuit did not target this scam as well, but there are only so many things that can be dealt with as a practical matter.

One of the problems with RCI shifting weeks around is that as insiders they can cherry pick the system. Just had a bulkbank from Manhattan Club, Hawaii, etc. that has temporarily reduced the trading power? What do you think RCI is going to grab with its week from a ''cruise exchange''? How about the unfair and fraudulent generic crossover grids for Points to Weeks trades? There is another bargain basement where RCI can spend its points from those points from Points Partner reservations. All of this creates a massive conflict of interest. It is one of the arguments I have made against Points back from the time it was called GPN; the conflict of interest created by polluting the timeshare exchange system with non-timeshare goods and services degrades the primary function of the system, which is exchanging timeshares.

It seems to me that since states already set standards in their statutes for exchange programs that can be offered by developers as part of a timeshare sale, it is high time to toughen those statutes to prevent some of the things that have been going on by exchange companies. Legislatures are no race horses, but I would bet they can move faster than the courts. A legislative solution might make a judicial solution unnecesary, but it would need to be followed up on by enough of the major timeshare states.

I don't see any "remedy" the court or any of the lawyers could come up with that would improve the situation.

The exchange system has evolved over time, to meet demands of the market. The point of the exchange system is to allow people to exchange the weeks they own for something different. It seems to me, as long as you get something reasonable in exchange, you have no right to complain about what RCI does with your week.

I know that some feel that RCI is not giving them fair exchanges, but I suspect a large part of that is due to the sales tactic that were used to sell tham a week, and not RCI's fault. If anything, RCI can argue that they have attempted to balance the playing field by introducting the points system. The points system introduced a certain level of transparency.

As long as RCI can show that something was placed into the spacebank of similar value for everything they have taken out, I don't see them losing. In fact, they could say they are doing things in multiple steps:

You want to exchange your week for a cruise. Maybe your week has not been given out yet, and they can place it directly into the rental pool. If not, they place an exchange for you, and then place THAT week into the rental pool. As long as the week they rent is one you could have gotten as an exchange, what is the problem (I know, you are not allowed to rent it out, but that is a different problem).

Now, say you have a points account. You want to use points for deposit, and if your week has not been given out yet, they could deposit your unit into the points system. If not, something must be given to points to cover the value of your week. Maybe they give points an IOU. Then when a points member wants something from the weeks pool, they redeem that IOU.

Granted, there are those that feel the points system should exist on its own, and eventually it will. RCI may have wanted to convert everything to points, but the resorts did not go along, and many owners don't want a pure points system. It has its advantages and its disadvantages, even without being affiliated with the Weeks system. Without the exhorbitant conversion fees, I would expect most owners to covert to points - other than the diehard exchanger, I suspect most do not plan their vacations 2 years out, and would welcome good availability at 11 months. Most families cannot plan anything but summer vacations further out because school calendars are not available. Many cannot schedule their vacations through work that far ahead either. The one mistake I thing RCI made was in not assigning all resorts individual point values from the start - then we would avoid some of the "raiding" accusations.

The truth is that RCI had followed the rules, and none of us are required to be RCI members to use our timeshares. The value of RCI membership may have diminished, but we are all capable of using our timeshares without RCI. For those that consider RCI the most important feature of their timeshare, maybe they should have bought elsewhere, or avoided timeshares altogether. I suspect the court will agree. RCI is not failing to meet promises THEY made, they are failing to meet promises made by salesmen at affiliated resorts, and they are not bound by those promises (it even says as much in your sales contract).


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Just my humble opinion!

It is interesting that most of what we are seeing is a negative heuristic defending RCI based on broad cynicisms regarding the American jurisprudence system.

Very little of this, (albeit some) on the pro-RCI side, seems to want to engage the issues of renting out spacebanked weeks.


OK, I'll come right out and say it. I support RCI's right to rent our spacebank weeks. I support their right to rent out spacebank weeks deposited for exchange and points for deposit used for airline tickets as they see fit. I support their right to swap good weeks to rent for not so good weeks back to the exchange pool.

I am OK with the possibility of some timeshare resorts going out of business, offseason week owners bailing out and high season owners having to pay higher maintenance fees.

I am more than OK with the possibility of the old outdated weeks system fading away into oblivian.

No point pussyfooting around about it.

Everything I've read on this thread is opinion so I though I'd offer mine, no matter how unpopular.:D



TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
Resorts Owned
Grandview At Las Vegas

[triennial - points]
Repetition For Efficiency.

To save everybody's fingers lots of typing effort, next time some form of this discussion pops up on TUG, folks can just link back to all this for interested persons to re-read. That is, not only has it all been typed before, the fact that it's all been typed before has also been typed before, & so on & so forth right on down the line...

...not that anything's wrong with that.
-- Alan Cole, McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.​


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Some timesharers might be surprised that some of their resorts are clueless about the lawsuit. One proactive thing we can do is to forward them the links to both the Murrillo complaint and the site with the ongoing updates on the lawsuit. RCI certainly isn't out informing resorts on these matters.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
It's those darn cows again...

I am amazed how this topic “RCI is evil” closely parallels “America is evil” in the debate over global warming – I guess it’s the lawyers involved and the same convoluted logic applies in both cases.

1) There is NO proof that ANYTHING is wrong with RCI Weeks

2) RCI Weeks has peaked and is declining in value all by itself

3) There is NO proof that RCI Points is violating RCI rules in any way

Global warming is similar:
1) The earth is warming from 8 AM to 6 PM
2) The earth is cooling from 8 PM to 6 AM

The conclusion is obvious, cows cause global warming – they fit the pattern:
1) They fart when the sun is up
2) They don’t fart so much when asleep

Removed political statement.

I do believe everyone here that RCI Weeks is declining in value – upgrading that SA week I bought for $200 into a Gold Crown is getting harder and harder to do. The answer is simple: RCI Weeks has peaked and RCI Points is in an up cycle to replace it.

Now you can listen to the same folks who believe cows are killing the planet or use Occam’s Razor and find the true answer – the sun has been slowly warming in the past 1,000 years, in its 55,000 year cycle of heating and cooling.

I rest my case – RCI’s problems can be blamed on those darn farting cows.
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Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Lifetime Member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
The reason the discussion goes on and on and on is because the injustice keeps going on and on and on.

The real kicker will be if, as the weeks believers hope, RCI actually lost the suit. They could simply pull the plug on weeks & go 100 per cent points. Yahoo. Like the bankrupt airlines that disappear what will the "victory" dance be? No one can force RCI to stay in the week for week business if they decide the best move is to get out. Well, at least the weeks side "won" even if the planes (weeks system) are grounded. Oh, the shysters go home happy with a nice payday I'm sure.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Again, you claim nothing is wrong and then proceed to try to explain away WHY something is wrong! Again you don't get it that the standard is not whether something violates RCI's own rules but whether it violates the consumer protection laws. RCI's rules may well, in and of themselves, violate the consumer protection laws.

What is it about supply and demand that you don't understand? When RCI diverts supply to other places like the rentals, it depletes supply for exchangers, meaning less in the way of exchanges. That is simple freshman economics and doesn't require the courtroom standard of ''proof'' that you demand (a curious position for someone who apparently hates lawyers and courts). And BTW, the courtroom standard of proof WILL apply when this case comes to trial, but is totally irrelevent to an internet discusssion board. We don't have a resident Clerk of Court here to swear witnesses and never will.

While Points is indeed damaging Weeks, the reason is simple. RCI's fraudulent generic crossover grids allow Points members to loot our better inventory at bargain basement prices. This scam needs to be stopped and Points needs to compensate Weeks for these wrongfully pilfered weeks.

You also don't seem to understand supply and demand when it comes to exchanging. The price one paid for a timeshare is completely irrelevent to whether something is a fair exchange. Otherwise the poor sap who paid developer prices for a deep off-season week would have more trading power than a savvy buyer who got a good deal on eBay in December for a prime summer week. What matters is 1) the supply of timeshare deposits for a location and week in the system, and 2) the demand for exchanges to that location and week. Gold Crown status matters a whole lot less than location when it comes to the demand side. And RCI's own availibility tables show why SA trades so well - it has a much stronger supply/demand ratio than Florida and even beats the Caribbean. What you call an upgrade is not necessarily so.

I am amazed how this topic “RCI is evil” closely parallels “America is evil” in the debate over global warming – I guess it’s the lawyers involved and the same convoluted logic applies in both cases.

1) There is NO proof that ANYTHING is wrong with RCI Weeks

2) RCI Weeks has peaked and is declining in value all by itself

3) There is NO proof that RCI Points is violating RCI rules in any way

Global warming is similar:
1) The earth is warming from 8 AM to 6 PM
2) The earth is cooling from 8 PM to 6 AM

The conclusion is obvious, cows cause global warming – they fit the pattern:
1) They fart when the sun is up
2) They don’t fart so much when asleep

This same kind of logic is used by lawyers and sadly the hunt for 12 dolts to believe in this stuff is not hard at all. Just ask O. J.

I do believe everyone here that RCI Weeks is declining in value – upgrading that SA week I bought for $200 into a Gold Crown is getting harder and harder to do. The answer is simple: RCI Weeks has peaked and RCI Points is in an up cycle to replace it.

Now you can listen to the same folks who believe cows are killing the planet or use Occam’s Razor and find the true answer – the sun has been slowly warming in the past 1,000 years, in its 55,000 year cycle of heating and cooling.

I rest my case – RCI’s problems can be blamed on those darn farting cows.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Great, then another exchange company scoops up all of that business and rockets ahead of RCI to become the number one timeshare exchange company. I don't believe RCI would be that foolish, but if they are, it is not the timeshare owners who will ultimately lose.

The real kicker will be if, as the weeks believers hope, RCI actually lost the suit. They could simply pull the plug on weeks & go 100 per cent points. Yahoo. Like the bankrupt airlines that disappear what will the "victory" dance be? No one can force RCI to stay in the week for week business if they decide the best move is to get out. Well, at least the weeks side "won" even if the planes (weeks system) are grounded. Oh, the shysters go home happy with a nice payday I'm sure.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
eastern Europe
Well, to each his own! Some of us are primarily concerned about impact on our fellow timesharers and our HOA's. Others seem focused mostly on the exchange company.

While I am sure that some Points members don't like the competition with the superior Weeks system, I believe that many would not go so far as to wish for its end. On the other hand, there are probably some Weeks members who would like to see the seriously flawed RCI Points slip beneath the waves forever, too.


OK, I'll come right out and say it. I support RCI's right to rent our spacebank weeks. I support their right to rent out spacebank weeks deposited for exchange and points for deposit used for airline tickets as they see fit. I support their right to swap good weeks to rent for not so good weeks back to the exchange pool.

I am OK with the possibility of some timeshare resorts going out of business, offseason week owners bailing out and high season owners having to pay higher maintenance fees.

I am more than OK with the possibility of the old outdated weeks system fading away into oblivian.

No point pussyfooting around about it.

Everything I've read on this thread is opinion so I though I'd offer mine, no matter how unpopular.:D



TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
The answer always is CORRECT!

I love spoofs – they require no brain power and at the same time lots of brain power - it's up to you.

I love the spoof NetFlix radio ads are based upon – “Outcome Based Education” (OBE) (Which I secretly believe was designed by the legal community so they have a ready supply of jurors who understand legalese)

I’m sure you’ve heard them – they give you a quiz that requires very little brain power and at the same time a lot of it:

Take this quiz and answer the question:

The opposite of Thursday is: ________

1 is to 55 as the square root of a triangle is to ___________

What’s half of Blue plus Red _____________

Doesn’t matter what you answer – the feedback from the person giving the quiz is CORRECT! As I said, this is a great spoof of OBE.

This is exactly what lawyers use to win an argument many times – the question can be whacky and too the answer – it really doesn’t matter since the object of the question and any answer is to make the person taking the quiz feel good with a “Correct” answer.

I once again think we’ve lost the majority of Tug members and I’m leaving the debate; until the same subject is again brought up for debate all over again.

So I’ll leave you with this little quiz:

In RCI, Supply is to Demand, as Up is to: ______ (profit is the preferred answer)

In RCI, RCI Weeks plus RCI Points equals: ____________ (profit is the preferred answer)

In RCI, RCI Points rents RCI Weeks to pay for what:_________ (profit is the preferred answer)

In RCI, a $200 timeshare exchanging into a $50,000 timeshare is: _____________ (profit is the preferred answer)

However, in the spirit of OBE no matter what you answer the feedback is CORRECT!

So Hasta lasagna and don’t get any on ya - until next time when we must use OBE to win the argument of the day.

I remember the argument over RCI Points as a Currency - check this link out . Was I correct back then:________(You know what the answer is - CORRECT!)

Am I correct about RCI now:__________________ (You know what the answer is)
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Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Table Rock Lake, Branson, Missouri
Don't you see that as a possibility anyway, lawsuit or not, and if that happens, then the Weeks holdouts would be transferred over to Points without exorbitant conversion fees or all the game-playing marketing surrounding Points conversion?

Would that not be a good thing for the Weeks advocates?

They could simply pull the plug on weeks & go 100 per cent points.


Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Lifetime Member
Apr 11, 2005
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Rochester, NY
the best outcome

Don't you see that as a possibility anyway, lawsuit or not, and if that happens, then the Weeks holdouts would be transferred over to Points without exorbitant conversion fees or all the game-playing marketing surrounding Points conversion?

Would that not be a good thing for the Weeks advocates?

Yes. But you can be sure the purists wouldn't be pleased.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Table Rock Lake, Branson, Missouri
I won't be happy until Jon and Christel remarry, give their hundreds of millions back to a CD spinoff, take RCI back, and start doing it all on Alan's notecards again. :D

Yes. But you can be sure the purists wouldn't be pleased.


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
Resorts Owned
Grandview At Las Vegas

[triennial - points]
The Way Things Spozed To Be.

I won't be happy until Jon and Christel remarry, give their hundreds of millions back to a CD spinoff, take RCI back, and start doing it all on Alan's notecards again. :D
That's just for starters.

I want the Minnesota Twins back in Washington DC & the Texas Rangers up in Minnesota & the Washington Nationals back in Montreal.

I want the Arizona Cardinals back in St. Louis & the St. Louis Rams back in Los Angeles. I want the Indianapolis Colts back in Baltimore & the Baltimore Ravens in Indianapolis.

I want to see Oldsmobiles & Plymouths in the dealer showrooms once more.

Bring back the Chevrolet Corvair. Bring back the Edsel.

Not only that, bring me back my youth & strength. Forgive my sins & undo all my mistakes. Take away my defects of character & erase all my shortcomings. Make me willing to do what I am supposed to do.

Above all, give me an Open Mind -- that & a 20-pound box of $1,000 bills.

-- Alan Cole, McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.​
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Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Table Rock Lake, Branson, Missouri
So you wanna bring back $1000 bills, too. ;)

Above all, give me an Open Mind -- that & a 20-pound box of $1,000 bills.

-- Alan Cole, McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.​


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
Resorts Owned
Grandview At Las Vegas

[triennial - points]
Easy To Please.

So you wanna bring back $1000 bills, too. ;)
I would be OK with a 200-pound crate of $100 bills -- either way is all right.

-- Alan Cole, McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.​


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
I just thought I'd throw this quote into the mix. Do you think it might apply to some of the "RCI has done nothing wrong" folks?

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” -Carl Sagan

Just sayin'... ;)


TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.
Resorts Owned
Grandview At Las Vegas

[triennial - points]
Always Keep Fresh Batteries In Your Baloney Detectors.

I just thought I'd throw this quote into the mix. Do you think it might apply to some of the "RCI has done nothing wrong" folks?

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” -Carl Sagan

Just sayin'... ;)
You talking timeshares or Gl*b*l W*rm*ng ?
-- Alan Cole, McLean (Fairfax County), Virginia, USA.​


Tug Review Crew: Rookie
TUG Lifetime Member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Laugh for today

Alan - And if you help out in some class action lawsuits you'll have just about the same chance of achieving any of those - the best examples are forcing the return of the Oldsmobile or Studebaker - as the current case with RCI has of reviving the "old" weeks system. Things change and brands and products/services come and go. You can't force or legislate a company to sell/produce a product they don't want to deal with. That went away with the regulated utility companies.

Tigerdog - No one is being bamboozled. Read the agreement - especially these sections:

5.5 A member relinquishes all rights to the use of
his/her Vacation Time when it is deposited.

Vacation Ownership with RCI, each Member
relinquishes all rights to use that Vacation Ownership
and agrees that such Deposited Vacation Ownership
may be used by RCI to satisfy Exchange Requests, for
inspection visits, promotions, rental, sale, marketing and
for other purposes at RCI’s discretion, including use in
other exchange or accommodation programs.

(Bold text is from the original).

Now just how are they hiding that? And how are they violating the rules you agree too? (And I've heard enough about the "contract of adhesion". That applies if you are forced into an agreement - a Microsoft type you pay if you want it or not deal not a voluntary action like using RCI for exchange. If you don't agree you aren't an RCI member and take your week elsewhere. You can't disagree with the membership rules AND give RCI your week).

Trying to tell people there is winnable case here is the only bamboozling going on. And it has been hashed, rehashed and over-hashed enough now. The only meaningful post regarding this topic will be when the case is thrown out, settled or someone wins/loses. Until then nothing we say here is going to impact a thing and is really just a waste of effort.

Carol C

TUG Lifetime Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
It is nice to see it precisely and succinctly worded.

As I have said before, I was contacted early on by one of the investigators, likely because of my SW Florida in January thread. I have accumulated data since RCI.com began in 1997 and recorded it since 3/27/2002. Thousands of searches for the same area the same timeframe, every day, for several years.

Yes, my data documents a decline in availability, especially the better resorts. I have pursued the reason.

Do you think anyone else, anywhere, has that kind of data?

So, why do you think it is that no one has followed up with me? :confused:

Could it be that availability is down because there are more RCI members since you first started your count? Increased *supply* of members who like primetime vacations = increased *demand* on vacation exchange inventory.

Btw I'd also like to have easy access to the best RCI exchanges and have had to fine-tune my portfolio to maximize trade power...but as they've upped the ante, I've upped my game. So far so good. My dues are paid far ahead so I'm hoping I can get good value as long as I'm a member. I don't know where all the rental inventory comes from out there. I'd like to see more for us in Last Call and lower fees. But I still don't see how lawyers are going to prove the various sources of rental inventory or why exchanges are difficult for some folks, because the variables are so many. This is going to make the burden of proof complex and time-consuming to put together. And I just don't want to pay lawyers for that work when they deduct their big fees from any settlement at the end of the investigation.

If we each get a check in the mail for a dollar or two we'll be lucky.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
While Points is indeed damaging Weeks, the reason is simple. RCI's fraudulent generic crossover grids allow Points members to loot our better inventory at bargain basement prices. This scam needs to be stopped and Points needs to compensate Weeks for these wrongfully pilfered weeks.
The solution to this problem already exists. As more resorts join Points, their weeks cannot be "pilfered" regardless of how many members actually join points. As soon as one member joins points, that is a points resort, and the crossover grids don't apply.

If resorts are awarded too many points, people won't want to exchange into them, and RCI will be forced to lower the points values. The reverse applies to resorts rated too low (it will be in RCI's best interest to increase the point values).

Note that in the 45 day window, owners of lousy trading weeks can still get excellent trades. Points owners can only get 9000 point trades (clearance price) into resorts that have not converted yet. If a resort has converted over to points, those weeks still cost "full retail" for points members. The more resorts convert, the fewer resorts available for such bargains.

Also, for any resort that converts to points, the points members can't reserve anything 2 years out, but must stick to the points windows, from what I understand. I could be mistaken in that, but they certainly can't search for such weeks online, so are at the mercy of a VC to even find out if they might be available - and I don't think they can do an ongoing search for any of those resorts either.